
Audrey Werner, industrial engineering

June 22, 2022 – July 23, 2022

Werner and friend at historical site View of river Group of students

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I chose this location because the program I wanted to take was hosted in Italy.

Did you live on campus, off campus or with a host family? What advice can you give for choosing where to live?

I lived off campus in an apartment with two other girls in my class. I think this was a good option because we were partycasino gamesable to live independently while also being a close walking distance from class. Some advice I would give is to think about what kind of experience you want while abroad, if you would rather live on campus for the convenience of being close to class, or experience a bit more of your city and live off campus.

What courses/subjects did you study?

I took 3 chemical engineering 1 credit hour courses, che 354, che 355, and che 356.

Please list some of the special activities, events and/or travel experiences that you had.

We got to travel to some major cities across Italy on weekends. We got to travel to Florence, Rome, and Naples. We were able to have a walking tour of each city, visit the Florence cathedral, tour the pantheon, tour the colosseum, see the Vatican and Sistine chapel, visit Pompeii while staying partycasino reviewsin Naples, along with many other museums and historical sites.

What advice can you give to someone considering your study abroad location and/or a study abroad experience?

Some advice I would give is to learn some of the language of the country you are visiting. I would have had a better experience if I had learned more Italian. Learning the language helps with many aspects of traveling like PartyCasinobetter understanding public transportation, being able to communicate with people in the country your visiting, and being able to engage with the culture and community of the country you're visiting. I would also advise planning ahead, planning ahead what you plan to pack, what you plan to do, and how you plan to get around. The overall experience of studying abroad can get partycasino reviewsvery overwhelming and I find it was best to plan things ahead and do my research in order for things to work out as smoothly as possible.