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The Scholars Assisting Scholars (SAS) tutoring program is administered by the partycasino reviewsCarl R. Ice College of Engineering to assist partycasino reviewsstudents enrolled in tutored courses. Students who use SAS tutoring, associated activities and spaces are expected to show professionalism and respect for others, and to follow the Kansas State University Student Conduct Code and the Honor and Integrity System. Party Casino loginAny disruption, obstruction of tutoring or behavior that interferes with student learning is considered a violation of the Student Conduct Code. Staff and/or SAS tutors in the Collaborative Learning Lab (CLL), may request students who are causing disruptions or partycasino uk reviewviolating the conduct code to leave the facility. Students who prevent others from learning will not be allowed continued access to the CLL and/or SAS tutoring activities. By using the CLL and SAS tutoring activities, I agree to adhere to the CLL/SAS conduct policy Party Casino loginand acknowledge that a violation of this policy and/or other inappropriate behavior can result in my dismissal from the facility and associated activities.