
The Team Award of Excellence recognizes and rewards the service of groups from unclassified staff, university support staff and faculty who achieve excellence and/or make partycasino reviewsexemplary contributions to the mission and values of K-State and the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering. A $1,000 cash award is divided among the team.

Eligibility and criteria

All unclassified professional staff, university support staff and faculty who are employed at a five-tenths or greater with a regular or term appointment in the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering shall be eligible for the award. Other criteria include:

    • Teams and team activity must consist of more than one person working toward a common goal.
    • Nominees are eligible partycasino gamesfor a maximum of one team award in an application year.
    • Each ongoing team may receive this award only once every three years.
    • Team activities are not routine tasks, and/or must arise out of a special need or unforeseen circumstance that requires attention. Examples of this might include —
      • A creative effort — program development, marketing, implementation or use of technology, or other accomplishment — that yields significant benefit for a unit or the college.
      • An achievement or process significant in scope, effort or impact that partycasino reviewsleads to notable recognition and/or benefit for the College of Engineering, its employees, students or constituents.

Current faculty, staff and administrators in the college may nominate teams to be considered for this award. However, all nominations must be processed though the respective supervisor(s)/unit administrators. No self-nominations will be accepted. All nominations will be confidential.

The nomination packet should include the following information in electronic format:

  1. Nominator contact information (name, email)
  2. Information about the nominated team: For each partycasino reviewsmember of the team please provide name, position title, department/unit
    • Note: All team members latest performance review must have a rating of "meets expectations" or higher to be eligible for consideration. The unit administrator must certify that they meet these criteria.
  3. Nomination statement: Describe how the team and their activity provided a positive, unique and exemplary contribution to the college, unit(s) within the college or for our faculty, staff and students; identify the general time frame/period of the team activity; and describe what makes PartyCasinothe activity special and above/beyond normal work/employment activity. Provide a one-page statement, using at least 11-point font, 1-inch margins. Statement content longer than one-page will not be considered.
  4. Supporting letters: Include up to two letters no longer than one-page each of support from other individuals.

Multiple team awards may be selected annually.

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Biomedical Engineering Lab Team

  • Erik Grimm
  • Jason Richards
  • Mayumi Saito
  • Ben Thurlow
  • Steve Warren
  • Ryan Zecha

Recruitment Team

  • Kelsie Jones
  • Leanne Reineman
  • Craig Wanklyn