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The purpose of this award is to foster excellence in the workplace by rewarding and recognizing staff, unclassified professional and university support, who achieve excellence and/or make exemplary contributions to the mission and values of K-State and the Carl R. Ice College PartyCasinoof Engineering through service as a team player, exceptional productivity, creativity or innovation, distinguished accomplishment, and/or leadership.


All unclassified professional and university support staff members with a minimum of three years of continuous service, who are employed at a five-tenths or greater regular or term appointment, shall be eligible for the award.

Nominees are eligible for a maximum of one award in an application year, and awardees receive a $1,000 cash prize. An employee may receive this award only once every five years.

Staff may be nominated using the following areas of accomplishment. Additional information is provided on the nomination form (docx).

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    Participation in a cooperative/collaborate setting promotes teamwork, effective delegation, and attainment of the charge or goal of the group. The staff member is recognized as a valuable team player that engages others, works toward consensus, considers opinions from a diverse team and enhances teamwork.
  • Productivity, creativity, innovation
    Increases in work productivity, and/or new or improved processes or services that result from the employee's contributions. The staff member contributes through creative effort — program development, marketing, use of technology, or other accomplishments — that yields significant benefit for their unit, the campus or the larger community.
  • Distinguished accomplishment
    An event or achievement that is significant in scope, effort or impact. The employee's efforts lead to notable recognition and/or benefit for Kansas State University, its employees, students, or its constituents, including citizens of the state of Kansas.
  • Leadership
    Leadership of a unit, department or university organization that has made a distinct and positive impact. The employee has implemented significant, positive changes or improvements and/or led in a way that models and fosters an excellent team environment.

Current recipients

photo of Shana Bender

Shana Bender

This year’s recipient is Shana Bender, assistant partycasino reviewsdirector for the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering.

Over the past year and a half, Bender has been working on improving team meetings with structured agendas, collecting all events in a single document to more easily share and collaborate with team members, and archiving old materials so it is easier to find current information. She has also worked with several team members to help improve processes, documentation and data collection. As part of her role, Bender is the head of the Scholars Assisting Scholars tutoring program. On several occasions, she has met with faculty members to address concerns about the SAS program.


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