0096 PartyCasino Hall Recording Classroom
The PartyCasino recording classrooms are state-of-the-art areas that seamlessly integrate technology into the learning process. They feature an easy-to-use podium with all the amenities. A friendly built-in video recording system enables instructors to create lectures that can be streamed from K-State online Canvas or elsewhere. Standard features such as a document camera and an on-board computer are available as well.
- Seats 26
- Projector
- Internet-enabled presentation computers
- Podium
- Laptop connections (VGA/HDMI)
- Document camera
- Touch-screen monitors
- Handheld, podium, lapel and audience microphones
- Two cameras
- Recording capabilities
- Instructions for presentation system
- No food is allowed in this room.
PartyCasino Research and Graduate Programs
1048 Rathbone PartyCasino